End to end Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement inspection management

Build and complete all your vessels thickness measurement reports from the jobsite

* Available on all iOS & Android devices
Why UTM Reporting

UTM Reporting offers a better way to get hull inspections done while in the field

UTM Reporting has been designed for Marine Surveyor, Class & NDT Inspector, QA-QC Shipyard Manager, Superintendent, and Fleet Asset Manager to increase their productivity on the reporting process of hull and structural element inspections

UTM Reporting has been designed for Marine Surveyor, Class & NDT Inspector, QA-QC Shipyard Manager, Superintendent, and Fleet Asset Manager to increase their productivity on the reporting process of hull and structural element inspections

Get started for free
  • Boost your productivity

    You will be able to handle more UTM jobs by issuing the final inspection report straight after your survey

  • Ensure accurate data collection

    No more printed plans or notebooks! With UTM Reporting you can accurately locate all the information related to the condition of the hull in the plan (Ultrasonic Tickness Measurements, notes, pictures)

  • Secure your projects

    Avoid data loss and errors in your reports!
    UTM reporting automates data synchronization and redundant tasks: diminutions calculation and reports layout

  • Build and deliver your UTM reports faster

    Keep your clients satisfied by issuing your UTM reports fast while avoiding delivery delays

Premium features

Building a UTM report has never been this easy

UTM Reporting helps you to structure all your thickness measurement inspections and reports

UTM Reporting helps you to structure all your UTM inspections & reports

Watch best practices on video
  • 1.Set up the App

    Set up report templates with your logo, your company details and your report's terms of use. Fill the library with hull items, location items, gauges, probes and often used qualifications.

  • 2.Create and manage projects

    Start drafting new projects with UTM Reporting and manage them easily by working online, offline and archiving past projects.

  • 3.Add information and import plans

    Add information related to your customer, to the controller performing UTMs, to the vessel, and related to the inspection.
    Import all plans needed for your inspection from your device.

  • 4.Split the inspection into hull items

    Add all measured hull items like deck plating, side shell plating, longitudinal bulkhead plating to structure your inspection and to issue a coherent final report.

  • 5.Locate UTM's on blueprints

    Accurately locate measurements on plans and illustrate corrosion and defects areas with pictures and notes. The thickness diminution will be calculated automatically.

  • 6.Issue reports

    Generate reports within seconds with all the information added to your project. Three report types are available: full report.pdf, plan report.pdf, raw data report.csv.

Professional Reports

Generates a UTM report
within seconds

UTM Reporting enables you to issue ultrasonic thickness measurement reports for any type of vessel: bulk carriers, tankers, container ships, fishing vessels, and yacht.

UTM Reporting enables you to issue ultrasonic thickness measurement reports for any type of vessel: bulk carriers, tankers, container ships, fishing vessels, and yacht.

Free app download
  • Easy to customize reports

    With UTM Reporting you can create multiple report templates which follow your graphical charter

  • Easy to generate reports

    It has never been so easy to get a final report without using different software and spending hours to layout.

  • Multi format reports

    The UTM Reporting app offers different report types designed for your customers, for following inspection progress, and for marking out corrosion and defect areas. It can also be used to easily laying out your inspection data with a third party's report template, like report templates provided by classification societies.

  • Comprehensive reports

    Any counterparts related to the inspection can easily understand a report generated with UTM Reporting.

Full report.pdf

PDF file with:
- Project information
- Measurement summaries
- Measurement tables
- Plans with measurements
- Pictures and notes

Plan Report.pdf

PDF file with:
- Plans with thickness measurements
- Substantial and excessive diminutions are highlighted

Raw Data Report.zip

Zip file with:
- 2 CSV files containing every element related to the ship inspection
- Blueprints containing thickness measurements

Class Report.zip

Zip file with:
- All elements included in the Raw Data Report
- Excel files presenting thickness data formatted in Class TM form

Give UTM Reporting a try

Start free, No credit card required

Elevate Your Productivity: Enhance Hull Thickness Surveys with Our UTM Inspection Management App

Elevate Your Productivity: Enhance Hull Thickness Surveys with Our UTM Inspection Management App

* Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices
Flexible pricing

Unlock the full power of
UTM Reporting



  • 3-Month Free Trial
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Reports
  • Commercial Use Approved
  • No Commitment
    No Credit Card Required

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